
Field reports

Alternative practitioners tested our Health coaching by their own diseases

Alternative practitioners tell about their experiences with "Health Coaching by Health World®"

Field reports: Health Coaching - Alternative Practitioners

Read statements of alternative practitioners about their experiences with "Health Coaching by Health World".


  • Statement


    Claus, Alternative Practitioner

    "This method is perfectly suitable to recognize and solve/heal one’s problems/illnesses.  This simple and purely mental procedure allows a drug reduction even in case of chronic diseases. Brilliant things have always proved to be non-complicated and simple."

  • Blood pressure

    Blood pressure

    Ingrid, Alternative Practitioner

    "A bit later my husband prepared for a routine and regular tax inspection carried out by a tax officer. All of a sudden he stood in front of my bed in the middle of the night, suffering from a blood pressure of 220:116. My kinesiologic test revealed that a treatment by Health Coaching would be suitable for him. He fell asleep again already during the treatment and his blood pressure was back to normal. The tax officer was welcomed by relaxed and friendly persons."

  • Statement


    Margret, Alternative Practitioner

    'During the training I was able to feel in myself just how relaxing Health Coaching is, and I was immediately thrilled with Health Coaching.'

  • Tension neck

    Tension neck

    Cornelia, Heilpraktikerin

    “The manner of the Health Coaching method was very appealing to me. Already after the first Health Coaching session my tensed jaw muscles had relaxed and the pain in my cervical spine had subsided. I felt considerably lighter and freer - furthermore, I could think more clearly. 
    I am convinced of being able to help numerous patients respectively clients by applying this method.

  • Statement


    Bettina, Alternative Practitioner

    "I was fascinated to realize during a Health Coach session that my client, assisted by me as his Health Coach  , was able to recognize and resolve the situations in his life which had caused his illness and problems. I am pleased to apply the Health Coaching method which can be used without any instruments, devices or particular surroundings at almost any time. Nothing but the client himself is needed for this method application! Thanks!“

  • Frontal headache

    Frontal headache

    Gisela, Alternative Practitioner

    Physically, a lot happened in the 2nd health coaching session as well. At the beginning I had severe frontal headaches, which completely disappeared half an hour AFTER the coaching session and which have not reoccurred ever since.... I also found it very exciting to recognize how my negative beliefs, which are otherwise unconscious on my part, influence my feelings, reactions and decisions. Thanks to the awareness gained and the resolving during the health coaching sessions, I am no longer defenseless against them.

  • More energy

    More energy

    Jennifer, Alternative Practitioner

    "I am enthusiastic by the Health Coaching in no time since I realized within short that my tense situation had changed for the better. My sleep problems, i.e. nightmares and interrupted sleep, have significantly improved. Now I am again well-adjusted with more energy and power and able to cope with my everyday life more calmly and serenely. Thanks to Health World.“

  • Stress/inner pressure

    Stress/inner pressure

    Hadmut, Alternative Practitioner

    Health Coaching indeed is a method that lives up to its promise, which I could find out by myself. Repeatedly suffering from inner stress in my everyday life, I often felt under pressure. During Health Coaching sessions the causes for the unconscious stress were identified and eliminated. I had not realized before that   blocks in my body were indeed due to unresolved problems.

    Thanks to the very gentle, but effective problem solving my energy flows freely again and my self-healing power has eventually been released. During the first days after the Coaching I therefore was very tired and needed to sleep a lot, but now I am full of energy and able to withstand far more stress.

    This method is a tool which enables me, a therapist, to ask the proper question in the right moment. This is the starting point for a dialogue which impresses with mutual respect and esteem. That’s exactly the way I want to work with my clients.“ End

    "I am impressed by the rapid effectiveness of the Health-Coaching method. Causes of problems and/or illnesses can be resolved in a short time without initial worsening, side effects and without “turning the knife in the wound”.”

    "I am highly fascinated by this in-depth Health Coaching method as it helps to get to the critical topics in no time.  Unconscious patterns, which have existed for decades, are identified and eliminated. The tense muscles in my whole body significantly relaxed already after the first Health Coaching session; since then I feel at ease.

  • Back pain

    Back pain

    Katja, Alternative Practitioner

    A female client who suffered from pain in the lower back for a short time had not undergone any additional medical treatment except the Health Coaching to get rid of this back pain. After only one Health Coaching session the back pain had significantly subsided, but still occurred in the night when the client turned around. According to the client the back pain completely disappeared after the second Health Coaching session.

  • Statement


    Marianne, Alternative Practitioner

    „The „Health Coaching“ allows deep insights in the coherences of causes of diseases. This method can help a lot of people.

  • Stress, hospital trauma, headaches

    Stress, hospital trauma, headaches

    Corinna, Alternative Practioner

    A colleague who I coached in the seminar told me the following day that her problems, such as stress, hospital trauma and headaches had disappeared and that she felt exceptionally good.

  • 10 year old pattern eliminated

    10 year old pattern eliminated

    Gabriele D., Alternative Practitioner

    "I am highly fascinated by this in-depth Health Coaching method as it helps to get to the critical topics in no time.  Unconscious patterns, which have existed for decades, are identified and eliminated. The tense muscles in my whole body significantly relaxed already after the first Health Coaching session; since then I feel at ease.

  • Burnout/Weakness

    Gabriele, Alternative Practioner

    My client in the seminar quickly got to the bottom of the mental causes of his weakness. He experienced this so deeply that liberating tears flowed as an expression of his relief. After that he felt really good!

  • Stress pattern gone forever

    Stress pattern gone forever

    Oliver, Alternative Practitioner

    "Health Coaching helped me a lot to relieve stress and cope with my everyday life in a more relaxed and harmonious manner. After two Health Coaching sessions I was able to handle situations at work, which had driven me crazy before, in a more serene and matter-of-fact manner. Let’s compare it with a dam break from the emotional aspect. Dammed water was released without further water being dammed afterwards once more.“

    Thanks to this new, smooth working day I no longer suffer from a tense neck area in the evening and have a good night’s sleep.“

  • Alcoholism


    Britta, Alternative Practitioner

    My client is in her mid-forties and an alcoholic: a Health Coaching was held once a week to accompany the alcohol detoxification. The client was for the first time able to address the causes of her alcohol consumption and her addictive behaviour on the whole through the coaching, including in her relationship to her partner. The sessions thus brought her an increasing understanding of her body's signals, such as palpitations, acute headaches, angst symptoms, etc. and helped her to interpret these. After 3 sessions she was happy to report that she felt much more balanced and had a lot more energy since having learned that she can make a positive change to her life. She has done without alcohol for the past 2 weeks, carried out relaxation exercises on a regular basis and is steadfastly pressing ahead with the recommended flanking measures.

  • Feeling easy and full of power

    Feeling easy and full of power

    Gisela, Alternative Practitioner

    “To my surprise I could rapidly and deeply get to my inner problems including all related emotions during the Health Coaching. Moreover, I am astonished to learn during the Health Coaching sessions that my negative feelings and memories seem to be stored in various parts of my body and here and now cause physical problems. I am totally thrilled and impressed since I experienced during the session that my physical discomfort including headache and abdominal pain disappeared. Afterwards I felt as light, in high spirits and full of energy as I had not felt for long.“

  • Back pains / Food intolerance

    Back pains / Food intolerance

    Margret, Alternative Practitioner

    The clients in my practice are amazed by Health Coaching. For example, they reported one week later that they pay more attention to themselves and how they treat people in their surroundings. My clients noticed a great improvement in their complaints such as back pains and intolerances to foods.

  • Burn out during studies

    Patrick, Alternative Practitioner

    My client has been suffering from mental exhaustion and the pressure of exams in her studies for some time now. She couldn't follow the lecturer in lectures. She reported on a lack of energy, insomnia and exam nerves. Since the client's work is otherwise self-assured, reliable and goal-oriented, one has to reckon with further health disturbances. The cause could quickly be found through Health Coaching. The client detected and improvement after the very first Health Coaching. Following further Health Coaching sessions the problems had disappeared and the client completed two internships in the semester break and received a good report.

  • Insecurity

    Gabriele, Alternative Practitioner

    A client in the seminar suffered from 'insecurity. The causes of this became very clear in the further course of the Health Coaching and could be dealt with. The following day she reported that the Coaching 'really did her good'.