Field reports: Burnout
Burnout, aggression
Dr. med. Michael S., Specialist in General Practice
"During my training as a Health Coach I got to know a method that allows you to identify the causes and relationships of illnesses and to remove blockades associated with these. The method impresses with its simplicity and convincing efficiency which is based, amongst others, on the fact that a coach is with ethe client who knows the inner resistance and helps to eliminate it in close cooperation with the client. In this way, complete networks of causes can usually be identified, as my previous experience has shown, e.g. with burnout.
Once such blockades have been removed, the client immediately feels better and more relaxed." -
Gabriele, Alternative Practioner
My client in the seminar quickly got to the bottom of the mental causes of his weakness. He experienced this so deeply that liberating tears flowed as an expression of his relief. After that he felt really good!
Burn out during studies
Patrick, Alternative Practitioner
My client has been suffering from mental exhaustion and the pressure of exams in her studies for some time now. She couldn't follow the lecturer in lectures. She reported on a lack of energy, insomnia and exam nerves. Since the client's work is otherwise self-assured, reliable and goal-oriented, one has to reckon with further health disturbances. The cause could quickly be found through Health Coaching. The client detected and improvement after the very first Health Coaching. Following further Health Coaching sessions the problems had disappeared and the client completed two internships in the semester break and received a good report.