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Field reports: Tinnitus / Acute hearing loss

In cases of Tinnitus the causes can be recognized and completely resolved in the course of 1 - 2 "Health Coaching" sessions.

Acute noises in the ears are common. Current estimates suggest that about 25 percent of the population have had ringing in the ears, although this occurred only temporarily.

Tinnitus (noises in the ear) is generally understood to be the persistent or recurrent subjective perception of a sound or noise which other people cannot hear. Current studies show that in relation to other noises in the ear, this occurs less often, can occur at any age and affects about four percent of all adults, with women being more frequently affected by tinnitus than men.

Owing to the increasing noise pollution in everyday life, but also due to loud music, tinnitus is also becoming increasingly common among adolescents and young adults up to the age of 30.

The causes of tinnitus disorders are not fully understood by orthodox medicine. One factor which is self-evident is the fact that noise pollution and stress promote the development of tinnitus and reinforce existing noises in the ear such that they can become chronic.

In terms of the conventional medical treatment of the symptoms, tinnitus is treated, for example, by regular blood pressure checks and the administration of anti-inflammatory and circulation-promoting active substances in the form of infusions or tablets. Because tinnitus is one of the stress-induced diseases, it is generally recommended as part of tinnitus treatment to learn relaxation techniques which are intended to counteract everyday stress factors and triggers and render the daily management of this disease bearable.

However, many sufferers experience tinnitus as being very stressful, not least because of its accompanying symptoms in the form of insomnia, anxiety and depression, which also restrict the quality of everyday life and may even result in incapacity for work. The continual internal noises in the ear cause the sufferer to become irritable and have difficulty concentrating. As these accompanying symptoms cause further stress, a vicious circle often arises which in turn increases the tinnitus.

  • Health Coaching by phone "acute hearing loss"

    Health Coaching by phone "acute hearing loss"

    Dipl. med. Hjalmar B., Specialist in Orthopaedics, Pain Therapy

    My client, female, 40 years, called me in my office. She was worried and frustrated and asked me for help. Four days ago she was diagnosed with an acute hearing loss. Since my office is at a distance of 80 km to her home and since she was going on holidays with her family the next day, she wasn’t able to see me in my office. We therefore decided to do a “Health Coaching by phone” in the afternoon and made an appointment.

    During this Health Coaching she recognized an inner pressure as the cause of her problem. She knew this pressure from her childhood, when she always had to do a lot of work, which she couldn’t manage. She only could avoid this pressure, by getting rid of her work. – Having resolved the situation, she felt immediately better and relaxed. – After her holidays she called me and told me that her acute hearing loss had significantly improved immediately upon this Health Coaching; after only two days it had entirely disappeared.

  • Experience report „Acute Hearing loss“

    Experience report „Acute Hearing loss“

    Anne B. (49), Freelancer

    Four days ago I was diagnosed with an acute hearing loss. My Ear Nose and Throat Specialist prescriped me Ginko and Cortison. But I didn’t want to take the Cortison, cause of the strong sideeffects. So I called my general practitioner and asked him for help.

    Cause his office is 80 km far from my  home and I was going to go on holidays with my family the next day, I wasn’t able to come. So we decided to make a “Health Coaching by phone” in the afternoon and made an appointment. I was really surprised. That I haven’t experienced before. During the Health Coaching I started to relax, and I felt very comfortable with it.

    When I was on my flight to Spain the next day, I felt a deep relaxation and during the next two days my problems were gone totally and I could hear like I did my whole life before the acute hearing loss. I was so happy and felt like a new person.

    After my holidays I visited my Ear Nose Throat Specialist for another hearing test. And she told me that I can  hear 100%. And though I have the most stressful time in my life with my job, I didn’t get any problems again.

    I find it quite amazing, that it was possible with only one session by phone and with a very simple method to heal my suffering. – I am totally excited  and want to thank you for your help