Health Coaching by Health
We help when nothing helps!"
“Health Coaching by Health World®“ is a 45-minute highly effective mental health coaching procedure designed to address and resolve the causes of illness.
Short Overview
• "German doctors and alternative practitioners have tested our "Health Coaching by Health World®" on their own diseases and on their patients with unique results - read their very personal field reports!"
• "Realize and resolve the causes of your illness and get healthy! - Natural and fast, gently and effective, free of side effects and symptoms displacements. Thats`s what "Health Coaching by Health World®" can give you."
• Specialisation in chronic, psychosomatic, psychological, stress-induced and all treatment-resistant illnesses for which all therapy options have been exhausted.
• "Health Coaching by phone" worldwide: "Get healthy, wherever you are!" - As effective as face-to-face coachings - we give you our guarantee based on our 15-year experience.
“Health Coaching by Health World®“ is a 45-minute highly effective mental health coaching procedure designed to address the causes of illness, in which you learn to recognize, feel and understand the causes of your illness. Using a special interview technique (no hypnosis) during which you are comfortably put into a relaxed yet alert state, you resolve the causes under the permanent direction of your health coach.
Only if you get down to the root of your illness, you can benefit from a long-term and sustainable health. After all, no causes means no effects, no effects means no symptoms, and no symptoms means no diseases.
Our "Health Coaching" is also recommended as a complement to traditional medical treatment. It is recommended particularly for the treatment of the following symptoms and problems:
• all physical diseases (back pain, headache, diabetes, gastro-intestinal symptoms etc.)
• all psychological and psychosomatic conditions (anxiety, insomnia, trauma, etc.)
• all stress-induced illness (addictions, burnout, hypertension, tinnitus, high blood pressure etc.)
• all chronic conditions (allergies, neurodermatitis, HIV-positive etc.)
• all treatment-resistant conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain etc.)
• all personal conflicts (partnership, desire for children, etc.)
• all professional conflicts (bullying, problems with colleagues/superiors etc.)
• preventive health care in case of stress, internal psychological pressure, great strain, identity crises,
bereavement, depressive moods, despondency, general malaise, trauma resulting from accidents/injuries,
post-surgery/post-hospitalization aftercare, etc.
Over a period of 15 years the Health World Institute developed a special, highly effective mental coaching: "Health Coaching by Health World®".
This kind of coaching reveals the causes of the client's physic or mental disorders. The client recognises, understands and feels all causes which led to his problems. He can resolve them once and for all in cooperation with the coach.
In 2012 a greater number of physicians and alternative practitioners was trained and established a „Health Coach by Health World®“ to test our method. The result was overwhelming. The practitioners were excited and impressed.
You can read statements on our page "field reports".
The „Health Coaching by Health World®“ can be practised in a surgery or office of a physician or alternative practitioner - face-to-face.
You can make an appointment for a session directly here (contact form) or at our Health World Institute. As it is not a medical treatment, it is not covered by health insurance companies and must be paid out of your own pockets.
Our health coaching sessions by phone have been proven to be just as effective as our face-to-face sessions. No matter where you are, you receive the support you need to become healthy.
If you’re on a business trip, at work, on vacation or at home, simply book our “health coaching by phone”. You save time, money and travel costs and can become healthy in a relaxed manner wherever you are.
In case of severe illness, your local physician will arrange for your medical care in parallel to the health coaching by phone. Medical follow-up examinations will then provide objective evidence as to whether and when you are healthy.
Contact us to make an appointment.