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Field reports

Physicians tested our health coaching by own illnesses 

Physicians wrote about their experiences with "Health Coaching by Health World®"

Field reports: Health Coaching - Physicians

Read statements of physicians about their experiences with "Health Coaching by Health World".

  • 13 years of cluster headaches

    13 years of cluster headaches

    Dr. Frank K., General Practitioner

    I had been suffering form severe cluster headaches for 13 years that had been triggered by a high stress load during work at a hospital. I have suffered no headache attack since the 1st Health Coaching. After my flight to attend the seminar I even had to rest for two hours in my hotel because of my headache. A fantastic method! Thank you.

  • Health Coaching by phone "acute hearing loss"

    Health Coaching by phone "acute hearing loss"

    Dipl. med. Hjalmar B., Specialist in Orthopaedics, Pain Therapy

    My client, female, 40 years, called me in my office. She was worried and frustrated and asked me for help. Four days ago she was diagnosed with an acute hearing loss. Since my office is at a distance of 80 km to her home and since she was going on holidays with her family the next day, she wasn’t able to see me in my office. We therefore decided to do a “Health Coaching by phone” in the afternoon and made an appointment.

    During this Health Coaching she recognized an inner pressure as the cause of her problem. She knew this pressure from her childhood, when she always had to do a lot of work, which she couldn’t manage. She only could avoid this pressure, by getting rid of her work. – Having resolved the situation, she felt immediately better and relaxed. – After her holidays she called me and told me that her acute hearing loss had significantly improved immediately upon this Health Coaching; after only two days it had entirely disappeared.

  • Statement


    Dr. Andreas H., Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care

    "I was rather cautious and reserved than curious about the method before the first seminar. I was able to try the method out on colleagues during the seminar, and they tried it out on me. I have to admit that I was positively surprised: I felt more relaxed even during the 1st session and was able to better understand correlations related to my health. The method worked for my problems. My colleagues in the seminar also reported on similar successes."

  • Statement

    Dr.Peter S., Specialist in General Practice; Specialist in Surgery; Pain Therapy

    I was sceptical at the beginning, but after the very first "Health Coaching" I noticed a rapid improvement of the long-standing discomfort and a deep inner relief on my own person. A number of participants felt the same way as I did and we were able to experience the drastic effect of the method.

  • Chronic back pains

    Dr. Peter S., Specialist in General Practice; Specialist in Surgery; Pain Therapy

    Many of my patients, and several relatives, have been suffering from back pains for many years and have already consulted a number of orthopaedic specialists and pain therapists without success. The inner cause of the pains in the thorax and lumbar spine could be found and resolved during only a few sessions. What a number of therapists were unable to achieve up to now could be permanently healed with "Health Coaching"

  • Burnout, aggression

    Burnout, aggression

    Dr. med. Michael S., Specialist in General Practice

    "During my training as a Health Coach I got to know a method that allows you to identify the causes and relationships of illnesses and to remove blockades associated with these. The method impresses with its simplicity and convincing efficiency which is based, amongst others, on the fact that a coach is with ethe client who knows the inner resistance and helps to eliminate it in close cooperation with the client. In this way, complete networks of causes can usually be identified, as my previous experience has shown, e.g. with burnout.
    Once such blockades have been removed, the client immediately feels better and more relaxed."

  • Statement

    Karin T., Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

    "I am a rather reserved person with regard to my inner feelings. I prefer dealinh with emotional distress or negative events on my own. Don't accept any help whatever you do! But when I was coached during the training, I experienced and understood what was still "left undone" in my inner life. During a few Health Coaching sessions I was able to identify these problems by myself and solve them mentally. This was a very positive experience for me."

  • Dermatitis /itching

    Dermatitis /itching

    Dr. Christel S., Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy

    Over the past six months I suffered  from more and more discomfort following a radiotherapy. The skin was inflamed and caused itching. After the first Health Coaching these problems disappeared as if by magic and have not reoccurred since then.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus

    Regina, Specialist in General Practice

    For 15 years a female client, 33 years old, had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis particularly in her hands and fingers which she could move only with severe pain. Due to her illness and the resulting restricted capacity to work, she was bullied at work and frequently absent. She was able to practice her profession, which she greatly loved, only to a very limited degree. The overall situation left her desperate and depressed.

    Up to that point, the rheumatoid arthritis had been treated only with traditional strong medications; she had major problems with their side effects. The attending rheumatologists advised against discontinuing the medications. Initially, under medical supervision, the medications such as methotrexate were discontinued and cortisone was reduced to the minimum necessary dosage. The client also received vitamin D and vitamin B12 injections. The result was that the client was neither weakened by the side effects of the medication nor susceptible to infections any longer.

    The very first "Health Coaching" session resulted in considerably relaxation and improved mobility in the client’s fingers, which initially lasted for 2 days. After the 2nd health coaching session, her finger mobility increased significantly so that the client was able to play badminton again after the 3rd health coaching session and the medications were discontinued completely.

    Overall, the client’s psychological state has improved significantly, she has a positive basic attitude towards herself and life in general.

  • Years of insomnia

    Karla H., Dental Specialist

    The client, one of my daughter's friends, had been suffering from insomnia since the age of 17. I coached him strictly according to the script. He was able to remember that it occurred for the first time at the time of his school-leaving examinations. The people he hadn't forgiven in that context were, in the following order: father, school friend, teacher. Moreover, he was also able to clearly define what he couldn't forgive himself. My daughter's and her friend's home is about 600 km away from me and we did not follow up with Health Coaching over the phone – he sleeps all the night without waking up. Incidentally, both of them are physiotherapists and totally fascinated!